Published on January 1, 2006 By Oxifizzld In Community
Quick question: I've never submitted anything before but I want to submit a wallpaper and bootskin. Both are based on the band Guns N' Roses, am I allowed (by stardock/wincustomize) to upload them? They are basically collages I did in photoshop but they contain some copyrighted images, I just want to know if this kind of stuff is okay to submit.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 07, 2006
I'm confused, is the image in question starkers bum?

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 07, 2006
[scorpio-logic]I'm confused, is the image in question starkers bum?

Not exactly, scorpio, but I'm thinking there'd be a definite impovement in the appearance of my derriere, had I a copyrighted image strategically placed in such a manner as to look like somebody elses bum: ie any Hollywood hunk's...been a long,long time since I got a complimentary whistle

Been even longer since I was a Chick magnet....only memories I got there are pics of alot of female rellies gathered around my crib when I were just a freckle past a twinkle....
on Jan 07, 2006
Well to tell the truth about that website Paul... They are not gona copyright anything there due to the fact they are the ones ripping the wallpaper from other artist to begin with. Thus even the website itself has a copyrighted image on the front page which belongs to warner bros.. Thus they don't care and I guess when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar those that are on file as using this site will also fall in the same boat as they will too.
Good luck everyone on using images that are not being presented with a written permission of agreement of some sort that is completely leggit too! There are people out there that will tell some rather sad stories about how much it cost them to do these things that way.
It would be such a better world if everyone would do things right and think about things in a proper manner also.
Good day ...
on Jan 09, 2006
What if I take someone else's writings, text, HTML or graphic image and change it around to suit my needs? I own the "new" version, right? If you did any of that with the original owner's permission, and according to his/her terms and conditions than you own the "new" version. If not you may be committing copyright infringement and/or plagiarism.

As one would do with all the Vista themes....(don'tcha just hate it when you are not the only one who could be right about a subject? fries ya right in the gut doesn't it?)

and...where in any of my posts did I mention the word "own"? Don't mince words, split hairs or twist what I post. I posted what I did for a reason, I am well aware of copyright laws being an artist myself for the last 25 years of my life. I don't need Google, or another licensed tax lawyer to spell it out for me. The question was set to see exactly what I thought you'd respond as.

If I were to use the copyright law as set forth "by the book", then anything written by me could be copyrighted. Which, in all assinine form, would be illegal for anyone to copy such writings, quote me...or use anything that I have written, without my express permission. Pretty ridiculous if taken too far wouldn't you say?

Art can cover many subjects, and on both sides of the fence. It's a very touchy subject, but for me, copying someone else's work and claiming to be your own, is simply wrong. Call it by whatever legal term you wish, it's simply wrong. Now, on the other hand...copying is also a form of flattery. You like the styles of another individual (mostly because it's probably what you've been looking for in your own work), and you use the material to study what you can create with it. You end up creating "new" art...not just a replica of an already existing piece.
on Jan 09, 2006

If I were to use the copyright law as set forth "by the book", then anything written by me could be copyrighted. Which, in all assinine form, would be illegal for anyone to copy such writings, quote me...or use anything that I have written, without my express permission. Pretty ridiculous if taken too far wouldn't you say?

NQR, however....

on Jan 09, 2006
Exactly. Which is why I used the word "could".
on Jan 09, 2006
Ah huh! Now I get it. Tricky tricky.
This got very funny to read. I thank all for the info and intertainment.
on Jan 16, 2006
This may help out a lot.
on Jan 16, 2006
Well I see it doesn't go to it like it should.
§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
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